09 Jul 2010Mont Marte Blog

Paint a wave with acrylics part 2

Step 1: Drawing the Wave 

You will notice that the­ drawing ­is ­a­ very ­simple­ outline. ­­If­ you­ do ­not feel­ comfortable ­with­ drawing ­your ­own­ wave, ­find­ a ­picture ­you ­like and­trace ­it.­­An ­image ­of ­the­ wave ­for­ you ­to ­copy ­is ­included­ for­ your reference.­ 

Step 2: Modelling the Wave 

With ­the­ #­17­ Palette­ Knife­ and­ the ­knives ­in­ the ­black­ wallet apply ­the ­Modelling ­Paste ­to ­the wave.­­ Scrape ­a ­layer­ over­ the main­ part ­of­ the ­wave­ and ­then ­add ­thick ­dollops­ on­to ­the areas ­with ­froth. Once ­you­ have­ the­ basic­ blobs ­and­ shapes,­ use ­the ­Paint­ and Sculpt­ Shapers ­to­ add­ lines­ and­ swirls­ to ­the ­Modelling­ Paste. Break ­up ­the ­foam ­by­ dotting ­the ­shaper ­into ­the Modelling Paste ­repeatedly.­ Leave­ this­ to ­dry ­overnight. 

Step 3: Making the Colours 

Now ­we­ can paint­ our ­wave. ­Fill­ your­ Deep ­Well­ Plastic ­Palette with­ a ­dollop­ of ­Mont­ Marte Impasto ­in­ each­ well. ­­Mix ­the­ paint in­to­ this ­to ­a ­ratio­ of ­50/50­ and ­to ­the ­consistency ­of­ cottage cheese.­­ The­ colours ­we­ are ­using ­in ­the ­first ­step­ are­ White, Cerulean ­Blue,­ Ultramarine,­ Cobalt, Prussian ­Blue,­ and ­Purple. 

Step 4: Painting the Sky 

In­ the­ top ­left­ corner­, ­use­ a ­large­ brush ­from ­the ­Acrylic­ Brush Set ­to ­paint ­in­ a ­mixture ­of­ 1­ part Ultramarine ­and ­3 ­parts­ Purple.­

Step 5: Painting Light Blue 

Slap ­on ­1­ part­ Cerulean­ and­ 4 ­parts­ White ­over­ the­ entire ­wave, leaving­ the ­areas­ with ­foam­ free ­of ­paint.­ To­ achieve­ streaks ­of­ colour, ­mix­ your­ colour ­on ­the ­canvas ­and add­ bits ­of ­blue­ or­ white ­as­ you ­go.­­ Keep ­the ­brush­strokes­ running ­along­ the ­curved ­face ­of­ the ­wave.­

Step 6: Painting Darker Blues 

To ­create ­depth ­in­ the­ wave ­start ­by ­painting­ a ­darker ­blue ­on the­ right­ side ­of ­the ­wave ­and­ under­ the­ froth ­in­ the­ bottom right­ corner.­­ Blend ­the­ colour­ in ­with ­the ­lighter­ blue. 

Step 7: Using all Colours 

Use ­every ­colour ­in ­the ­palette ­and ­add ­them ­to ­the ­wave­ with long ­sweeping ­motions ­wherever you­ like.­­ Leave­ that­ to ­dry. Brush strokes can add really great effects to a painting. To make a scratchy effect don’t wet your brush, use a dry brush instead and paint your colours that way. 

Step 8: Green Sheen 

Make ­a ­mix ­of ­­1­ part­ Viridian ­to ­5­ parts ­Gloss­ Medium ­and ­paint the­ whole­ wave,­ again ­leaving ­the ­foam­ and ­white­ areas.­ This ties ­all­ of ­the­ colours ­in ­the ­wave ­together­ and ­adds ­a­ nice tone.­  

Step 10: Flicking paint 

The ­last ­part ­of ­the ­exercise ­is ­to ­dip­ your ­fingers ­in­to ­the­ paint and ­flick ­it­ on­to ­the ­areas ­where ­the ­water­ spray’s ­out­ from ­the wave.­­ Do ­not­ hesitate ­to ­really­ splatter­ the ­canvas, ­it ­will­ look great.­ 

Step 9: Painting the foam 

Over ­the ­high ­points ­of­ ­the ­modelling, we­ paint ­Titanium white with ­a­ brush­ and ­palette ­knife.­ Into to ­the­ wet­ paint­ add blobs ­of ­Phthalo ­Blue.

Voila! 1 huge 3D wave, coming right up.

Material List

  • MAPL0003 Deep Well Plastic Palette Discovery 6 Wells
  • PMSA7501 Satin Acrylic Paint Premium 75ml (2.5 US fl.oz) Tube - Titanium White
  • PMSA7517 Satin Acrylic Paint Premium 75ml (2.5 US fl.oz) Tube - Cerulean Blue
  • PMSA7514 Satin Acrylic Paint Premium 75ml (2.5 US fl.oz) Tube - Ultramarine Blue
  • PMSA7516 Satin Acrylic Paint Premium 75ml (2.5 US fl.oz) Tube - Cobalt Blue
  • PMSA7515 Satin Acrylic Paint Premium 75ml (2.5 US fl.oz) Tube - Phthalo Blue
  • PMSA7522 Satin Acrylic Paint Premium 75ml (2.5 US fl.oz) Tube - Viridian
  • PMSA7513 Satin Acrylic Paint Premium 75ml (2.5 US fl.oz) Tube - Purple
  • MPA0041 Modelling Paste Premium Tub 500ml (16.9oz)
  • MPA0042 Impasto Premium 500ml (16.9 US fl.oz)
  • MAMD0001 Acrylic Medium Premium - Gloss 135ml (4.6oz)
  • BMHS0001 Acrylic Brush Set Premium 7pc
  • MCG0064 Palette Knife Signature No.17
  • MPB0056 Artist Acrylic Brush Premium Taklon Flat Wide 75mm
  • CMMD9012 Double Thick Canvas Premium 91.4 x 121.8cm (36 x 48in)

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