21 Jun 2024Mont Marte
Advanced Painting Sculpting and Modelling

Clay Spinosaurus: Part 2 (Painting)

1.  How to paint and seal polymer clay

A toy dinosaur on a tableDescription automatically generated

-    Mix Titanium White and Yellow Ochre in acrylic to create a beige colour

-    Use a medium flat brush to cover the entire sculpture with a consistent coat of beige

-    While this coat is still wet, mix a touch of Black into the beige mix and paint this into the shadow areas (under the forelimbs, rear legs, and parts of the body)

-    Paint Black onto the head and sail, covering ¾ of the way down

-    Allow this to dry completely


2. How to mix oil paints

-    Mix the following shades for the dino colour palette:

-    Darkest Blue: Phthalo Blue

-    Dark Blue: 1-part Phthalo Blue + 1-part Titanium White

-    Mid Blue: 1-part Phthalo Blue + 2 parts Titanium White

-    Lightest Blue: 1-part Phthalo Blue + 3 parts Titanium White

-    Dark Aqua: 2 parts Turquoise + 1-part Phthalo Blue

-    Mid Aqua: 1-part Turquoise + 1-part Phthalo Blue + 1-part Titanium White

-    Beige: Titanium White with a touch of Yellow Ochre


3. How to paint a sculpture

-    Lay a band of Dark Aqua across the Spinosaurus from the tail to the head and under the chin

-    Lay aqua down the legs, blending into lighter aqua on the lower portions of the limbs; repeat on the other side

-    Lay the lightest Blue on top of, and adjacent to, the Dark Aqua, leaving a millimetre gap between colours; take this up to the neck and repeat on the other side

-    Lay the Mid Blue adjacent to the lightest Blue and repeat on the other side

-    Lay the Darkest Blue into the previous Blue, covering ¾ of the sail on both sides

-    Extend this Blue into the neck at the back of the head and down the back of the legs

-    Blend these colours into each other using a small flat brush, gently bringing the colours into each other, and wiping off excess paint as you go with a paper towel


4. How to paint a dinosaur face